What Is A Strip And Seal?

Written by SWS Group | Sep 20, 2020 7:50:50 AM

What is a strip and seal and why get one? Strip and seal is the process of taking off the old existing sealer and putting the new coats.


A strip and seal is best for vinyl, tile and marble flooring. It’s the method used for stripping away the coats of grime, cleaning film, or worn sealant of your flooring and resealing the surface. Professionally done with a commercial grade machine, but can be done by hand with the right products and methods although this process tends not to get a quality result and won’t last as long.

The stripping process varies depending on the condition of the floor and when your last strip and seal was. If you have a strip and seal as part of your general maintenance the likelihood of us needing to strip more than the top layer is slim. However, if you haven’t had one for more than a year or 2+ years the likelihood of us needing to strip the layers back completely is extremely high which is time-consuming and as a result, costly.

Is a strip and seal the right option for my facility flooring?

Most hard flooring surfaces – vinyl, tile or marble are safe to have a strip and seal but you should refer to your flooring manufacturer’s instructions or we are happy to assess this for you by email through a photo and some details and one of our technicians should be able to guide you on the best option on caring for your floors. 

Why get a Strip and Seal?

When you get a new floor it can be shiny, polished and attractive looking, but over time it can dramatically lose its lustre. It’s important to properly seal as well over time stripping and re-sealing your flooring.

With your facility, you want to create a space that reflects your business and with dull looking floors it can often bring down the overall finish. Stripping and sealing is all about making your flooring look brand new again, we can help achieve this for you with our stripping and sealing services.

So, what are the real benefits of this you ask? We have compiled a helpful list of all the reasons you’ll ever need to determine why stripping and sealing your floor is the right choice for you. Commercial floor maintenance.

The process of stripping actually involves removing the old sealer, which opens the floor up to any dust and residue that was hiding underneath.

  • The new seal will add more shine
  • An easier surface to clean
  • Will last longer with regular maintenance
  • Reduces the risk of marks and scratches
  • Provides a barrier against bacteria and abrasion

The benefits of applying a high quality floor sealer system to a floor are both the protection and the enhancement of what is a valuable asset. Floors are exposed to unrelenting abrasion from foot and trolley traffic, spillages and dirt which, without protection, can cause dulling of the floor surface and even wear it away.

Once coated with a suitable sealer, the floor is protected from these threats. Furthermore, the surface becomes easy to clean with soil readily washed away, the colours of the floor are enhanced and the floor will have a higher and more even shine. By implementing a full protection system using complimentary sealers and maintenance products, this protection and enhancement will last indefinitely.

The following is a guide for stripping and sealing floors to achieve the best result. If you are looking to cut back polish without performing a full strip, please refer to the previous guide: Seven tips for extending the life of your sealed floor.

Floor Types: Terrazzo, marble, agglomerate marble, limestone and sadler tile.

Cleanpro can offer you the best quality and personalised service for all your flooring needs. If you have any questions contact us at 9336 6944 to find out more.