World Towel Day

Written by SWS Group | May 24, 2021 5:38:04 AM

The 25th May is the day we celebrate the humble cloth, which is the towel.


What is Towel Day?

On this day we celebrate the humble cloth which is the towel. The 25th May is World Towel Day.

Towel Day began as a tribute to Douglas Adams, the author of the cult favourite The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, where fans of Adams carry around a towel all day. Towel Day takes place on May 25th, two weeks after Adams' death on May 11, 2001. Towels are used because of their significance in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

"A towel is just about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can carry. Partly because it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy River Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand combat; wrap it around your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you — daft as a brush, but very very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course you can dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough. More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value." - Douglas Adams


Commercial Towel Services

We not only save you from the physical and financial costs of an in-house laundry facility, we also help you manage your towel inventory more seamlessly. We can accurately track damages and repairs, as well as the volume of your usage every cycle. Better inventory management plus the elimination of unnecessary investments lead to one thing: savings! 

You are also unburdening your business and mind from unnecessary worry as towels that might get permanently stained, discoloured, or outright ruined from everyday operations will be replaced with new towels. As a responsive partner, our reliable service helps ensure your operation runs consistently and smoothly. So you can open your doors everyday with confidence, knowing you are putting your best foot forward, because first impressions matter.

So what are you waiting for? Throw in the towel and send it to us, Cleantex, your reliable commercial towel service experts!


Read More On Towels

How often should I wash my towels?

What is a tea towel? And it's many uses

Here's why you need a commercial towel service

Cotton Roll Towels


So what are you waiting for? Throw in the towel and send it to us! Cleantex, your reliable commercial towel service experts.