Pest Solutions; A New Year's Resolution

Written by Emily Ashton | Jan 27, 2021 6:51:07 AM

Whether it be for your home or office, establishing pest control & preventative solutions will start the year on the right foot.




Each new year is marked by resolutions, some fulfilled, others not. Regardless, you don’t want the added burden of a pest infestation to get in the way of you achieving your goals this year.

Whether it be for your home or office, by establishing pest control & preventative solutions, you can start 2021 on the right foot and have one less issue to deal with this year. Follow these pest control practices to ensure you help keep your home free from pest infestations year-round.



Keep an eye out for possible signs of infestation: droppings, chewed belongings, and other damage to property. Proactive vigilance will make it easier to spot any infestation and take care of it before it becomes serious. It’s easier — and cheaper — to prevent pests than it is to treat them. Upon first signs of infestation, depending on the type of pest and seriousness of the infestation, you should consider professional intervention.



Hygiene and sanitation, as we are all well aware, is extremely important to stop germs and bacteria, but did you also know that hygiene and sanitation are also a pest’s worst enemy. Check for scraps of food lying around the house as they will attract pests such as ants, cockroaches and mice. Declutter your yard and empty your trash regularly. Move cardboard boxes and check their contents for signs of pest presence. These are perfect dwelling places for spiders and mice. Consider decluttering and getting rid of unused belongings - either sell or donate them. Eliminating clutter, boxes and accumulated possessions inside your home will help reduce harbourage sites for the invaders.


Periodic inspections

Inspect dark and uninhabited places of your home cautiously and with safety in mind, including the attic and/or the basement, where pests usually home. It is recommended that you allot dates on your calendar for periodic inspection of your property. Look for openings or cracks in your walls, roof, door and window seals and any other vulnerable places. Also check your luggage for signs of infestation before placing into storage, especially bed bugs or other pests that might have crept in from an external location. For more information on environmental conditions that encourage pests, click the link to a publication from the Australian Government Department of Health.


Repair and maintenance

Stop putting off any small repairs needed around the house. Cracks, nooks and crannies are to be repaired and sealed as this gives pests a way into your house.  Seal any cracks and crannies found during your inspection with caulk. Fix any damaged windows or doors that do not close or seal properly, as this indicates that they’re not airtight. Repair any leaks from the roof or plumbing immediately. Follow up your repairs with regular maintenance to help prevent unexpected expenses. It's important to remember that home repairs and maintenance can be difficult to do on your own. If you think you may need assistance, contact a professional who can help and do the maintenance and repairs correctly.


These practices should help prevent pests but for custom solutions to an infestation at your home or office, contact Pestpro