Waste Management for Your Business: Exploring Recycling Services

Written by SWS Group | Oct 10, 2022 5:27:33 AM

As the world becomes more conscious of the negative impacts that many of its industries are having on our planet, it has become increasingly clear that sustainability is becoming an essential element in business. We've moved past the point of sustainability simply being a “trend” and are now shifting towards a future where sustainability is imperative for a business' adaptability, growth and profitability.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The three R's of sustainability are: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Recycling is a crucial component of sustainable living, which helps preserve our natural resources and the environment. This enables us to live without a guilty conscious as we are not putting the lives of future generations at risk.


Lets Talk Benefits


  • Decreases the volume of waste that is dumped in landfills

People who live close to landfills have numerous health issues. Because most of the garbage in landfills ends up in the ocean, they are also a threat to marine life. Recycling will result in less waste being produced, which will lessen the quantity of rubbish that needs to be disposed of in a landfill.


  • Reduces air pollution

Recycling aids in lowering air pollution. The decomposition of trash in landfills over time produces a foul odour. Recycling makes it possible for manufacturers to produce fewer poisons when creating new goods. Paper recycling also contributes to a decrease in the number of trees cut down. As the trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air, this lessens the greenhouse effect.


  • Reduces water pollution

Recycling aids in lowering groundwater contamination. The majority of waste that is dumped in landfills is not environmentally friendly or biodegradable. The toxins produced by the rubbish make the groundwater unfit for human consumption as they slowly seep into it. Additionally, ponds, rivers, and other water sources are contaminated when rain and other runoff water flow through landfills.


  • Saves energy

A significant amount of non-renewable energy is used in the production of goods from raw materials. Less energy is used when creating new items from recycled materials. Recycling materials like plastic, glass, and aluminium helps reduce the energy required to produce goods. Making products using recycled materials also requires less energy, and less water, and does not pollute.


  • Conserves natural resources

Recycling products contribute to the preservation of natural resources and the preservation of our biodiversity. Paper recycling results in fewer trees being cut down, while plastic recycling reduces the amount of oil used in the production of new plastics. Recycling lessens our need to mine, preserving natural resources including coal, gas, oil, water, lumber, and minerals.


  • Creates job opportunities

Recycling expands employment possibilities and strengthens a country's economy. Thousands of people are employed by the recycling sector to collect rubbish, process it, and ship the recyclables. Recycling can help producers cut costs on the energy and resources they need to produce new items.


Cleantex Recycling Services

Cleantex provides three recycling services including a continuous hand towel, envirowipes and glove recycling. Recycling reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and as a result, less plastic debris will be dumped into the ocean. Thus, there will be a decrease in the loss of marine life, the spread of diseases like respiratory illnesses, the consumption of natural resources, and air pollution. Recycling enables you to contribute to the movement toward environmental protection.

Continuous Hand Towel

Cleantex supplies continuous hand towels which are a sustainable alternative to disposable paper towels and hand dryers. 

Here are many benefits of continuous hand towel’s.

  • Better for the Environment
    The fact that cloth towel holders are good for the environment may be their strongest advantage. More disposable towels must be created when the general population uses more of them. As a result, more trees must be cut down and the factories that produce them emit more pollutants. Cloth towels do not create these issues as they are reusable and do not require trees to be cut down to produce them.


  • Clean Washroom
    The bins in your restrooms can be rapidly filled with single-sheet, disposable paper towels. When the bins are filled, customers tend to keep adding towels on top because they don't know what else to do. This results in a messy floor surrounding the bin. Not only does this cause more work for your cleaning team, but it is also unappealing to both employees and guests.


  • Results in Greater Hygiene
    Although paper towel usage was intended to be reduced with electric hand dryers, people frequently exit the restroom with their hands still damp. This moisture still has microorganisms in it and leaves germs lurking on your hands. You can make your hands completely dry (and germ-free) by wiping them on a continuous cloth towel. In addition, the germs are trapped in the cabinet holder of the continuous hand towel rather than in the bins or on the floor.

  • Doesn’t Use Electricity
    The electricity that hand dryers consume is another disadvantage. Since cloth towel holders are manually operated, you won't incur additional expenses for electricity charges and this is better for the environment.

  • Enhances User Experience
    The towels are good at swiftly and fully drying hands since the fabric used is a blend of 70% cotton and 30% polyester.


“Wiping away your waste and providing you with a product and service you can trust”

Cleantex Enviro Wipes can lessen or completely replace the need for disposable wipes or rags. Cleantex will collect, wash, and transport a range of high-quality, economical cotton wipes with multiple uses all throughout Perth, it is a completely seamless process.


Supplying the best grade quality gotten wipes. In contrast to many other non-woven wipes, they exhibit significant solvent release qualities, are solvent-resistant, and may absorb up to four times as much as a typical rag. Their wipes are gentle yet incredibly abrasion-resistant because of their high dry strength and ability to retain that strength when wet. Prior to shipment, all wipes are analysed through their cutting-edge metal-detecting technology.


  • Selection of wipes for workshops, printers, and detailing.
  • High absorption for quick and thorough cleaning.
  • Useful for detailing and machinery cleaning.
  • Workshop wipes for industrial workshops.
  • A sustainable replacement for single-use wipes. 
  • They are strong and efficient as they are made of 100% cotton.
  • Sizes and shapes are manufactured to meet industry standards.
  • Consistent size and shape

Pay one singular charge for their managed rental service, and they will handle all of your requirements, including cleaning, restocking, and delivery.


Glove Recycling

This sustainable practice involves washing worn gloves and reusing them. This allows you to buy higher-quality gloves for your employees and limits the excessive amount of gloves going to landfills after singular use - what an unnecessary and avoidable waste. 


Cleantex Glove Recycling Service will come and collect your used gloves and then wash them at 71 degrees Celsius according to their approved Hospital Grade standards.



  • Kevlar gloves
  • Rubber gloves
  • Nitrile gloves
  • Poly/cotton gloves 


The gloves that can be used again are matched, wrapped, and given back to you in brand-new condition. The end result is a product that is hygienic and costs far less than a brand-new pair.



  • Environmentally friendly
  • Reduced waste costs
  • No inventory or capital investment required
  • The sensible alternative.



What will happen to our planet if we don’t recycle more?

It might not seem like a big deal to not recycle something small like a singular Coke bottle, but there is a lot of trash produced every day all across the world and every item that isn't recycled has a cumulatively harmful effect on the environment. The effects of not recycling are as follows:

Your new neighbour could be a landfill

Recyclable materials eventually end up in landfills when they are thrown in the rubbish rather than the recycling. These objects occupy space that could be used to store non-recyclable materials instead. Only 11 to 16 years of the capacity of American landfills remain, according to research from Waste Business Journal. New regions will need to be used to produce new landfills once our current landfills are full. These repurposed locations are frequently rural ones with natural flora that would otherwise be capturing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Because the property is scarce in urban areas and no neighbourhood wants a dump as a new neighbour, building new landfills is proving very challenging with very minimal time left. 


The temperature of the planet will rise 

The manufacture of plastic products, which are made from petroleum, produces a sizable amount of greenhouse gases. These gases cause our atmosphere to retain heat and contribute to global warming. Recycling gives these materials a new life and keeps them out of landfills thus preventing this.


Toxins will leak into the earth 

Plastics not only emit greenhouse gases when they break down, but they also release pollutants into the groundwater and soil. Scientists have found that these compounds can drastically change hormones in both humans and animals, but they are unsure of the long-term health dangers they pose.


New resources are required

A particular quantity of material is necessary to produce a new object. When recycling is done properly, it is possible to acquire all or part of the resources required to produce that item from recycled sources. Plastic disposal results in the loss of materials that must be replaced by fresh materials obtained by mining, drilling, or other resource extraction techniques. Consider how much plastic was probably manufactured between 1900 and 2000 to help put this issue in some context. We created even more plastic in the ten years from 2000 to 2010 alone than we did in the previous century as a whole. Plastic is in such high demand, thus recycling is more crucial than ever.


Business Recycling Tips 

Here are some ways you can get your workplace to start to take the right steps towards a more sustainable business. 


Make a recycling plan

Employ an effective recycling plan that clearly lays out:

  • Business recycling goals
  • What is to be recycled 
  • Where these things will be recycled 
  • Recycling container locations 


Audit your business’s waste 

You must be aware of what you are discarding. Anything that is thrown away costs you money and harms the environment as well. However, you can implement focused strategies to reduce your waste if you're discarding excessive amounts of an identified commodity.

Create Recycling Stations

Convenience is key! Make it easy for everyone by having clearly labelled and easily accessible recycling stations, making it nearly impossible to avoid. For instance, placing paper recycling bins in photocopying rooms and close to desks. Put plastic recycling bins in staff kitchens and busy places to increase plastic recycling. All of this increases people's propensity to recycle. Don't forget to specify to workers what they may and cannot recycle in each container as well.


Businesses sometimes generate a lot of electronic trash, especially those that are office-based. Electronics must be recycled separately since they include precious metals and dangerous elements. The most important thing is to gather E-waste in a different container and make arrangements for its disposal by a certified contractor.

Recycling in business is not only morally and legally correct, but it also makes good business sense. It helps you save money, improves your reputation, and gives your staff a positive impression of your business. If you’re curious about SWS Group can help your business become more sustainable, get in touch today!